Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Automatique pour l'informatique autonomique (CNRS PEPS)

Participant : Eric Rutten.

This project is lead by Eric Rutten and funded by CNRS in the programme Projet Exploratoire-Premier(s) Soutien(s) PEPS Rupture de l'INS2I 2011. It concerns Control Techniques for Autonomic Computing, and intends to group researchers of different backgrounds (Architectures and FPGA, distributed systems and adaptative software, programming languages for reconfiguration, and control theory) to gather experiences and points of view on this multi-disciplinary topic.


SocEDA (ANR Arpege project)

Participants : Vivien Quéma, Baptiste Lepers.

The goal of SocEDA is to develop and validate an elastic and reliable federated SOA architecture for dynamic and complex event‑driven interaction in large highly distributed and heterogeneous service systems. Such architecture will enable exchange of contextual information between heterogeneous services, providing the possibilities to optimize/personalize the execution of them, according to social network information.

The main outcome of the SocEDA project will be a platform for event-­‐‑driven interaction between services, that scales at the Internet level based on the proposed architecture and that addresses Quality of Service (QoS) requirements.

The project partners are Inria (ADAM in Lilles), EBM WebSourcing (FR), ActiveEon (FR), ARMINES (FR), France Telecom R&D (FR), CNRS (I3S and LIG), INSA Lyon, Thales Communications.

The project runs from October 2010 to September 2013.

PiCoq (ANR project)

Participants : Damien Pous, Jean-Bernard Stefani.

The goal of the PiCoq project is to develop an environment for the formal verification of properties of distributed, component-based programs. The project's approach approach lies at the interface between two research areas: concurrency theory and proof assistants. Achieving this goal relies on three scientific advances, which the project intends to address:

  • Finding mathematical frameworks that ease modular reasoning about concurrent and distributed systems: due to their large size and complex interactions, distributed systems cannot be analysed in a global way. They have to be decomposed into modular components, whose individual behaviour can be understood.

  • Improving existing proof techniques for distributed/modular systems: while behavioural theories of first-order concurrent languages are well understood, this is not the case for higher-order ones. We also need to generalise well-known modular techniques that have been developed for first-order languages to facilitate formalisation in a proof assistant, where source code redundancies should be avoided.

  • Defining core calculi that both reflect concrete practice in distributed component programming and enjoy nice properties w.r.t. behavioural equivalences.

The project partners include Inria (Sardes), LIP (Plume team), and Université de Savoie. the project runs from November 2010 to October 2014.

The ANR PiCoq is in the programme ANR 2010 BLAN 0305 01: http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/collaborations/PiCoq/ .

Project MyCloud (ANR project)

Participants : Amit Sangroya, Sara Bouchenak, Damian Serrano-Garcia.

The objective of the MyCloud project is to define and implement a novel cloud model: SLAaaS (SLA aware Service). The SLAaaS model enriches the general paradigm of Cloud Computing, and enables systematic and transparent integration of service levels and SLA to the cloud. SLAaaS is orthogonal to IaaS, PaaS and SaaS clouds and may apply to any of them. The MyCloud project takes into account both the cloud provider and cloud customer points of view. From cloud provider's point of view, MyCloud proposes autonomic SLA management to handle performance, availability, energy and cost issues in the cloud. An innovative approach combines control theory techniques with distributed algorithms and language support in order to build autonomic elastic clouds. Novel models, control laws, distributed algorithms and languages will be proposed for automated provisioning, configuration and deployment of cloud services to meet SLA requirements, while tackling scalability and dynamics issues. On the other hand from cloud customer's point of view, the MyCloud project provides SLA governance. It allows cloud customers to be part of the loop and to be automatically notified about the state of the cloud, such as SLA violation and cloud energy consumption. The former provides more transparecy about SLA guaranties, and the latter aims to raise customers' awareness about cloud's energy footprint.

The project partners are Inria (Sardes is the project coordinator), Grenoble; LIP6, Paris; EMN, Nantes; We Are Cloud, Montpellier; Elastic Grid LLC, USA.

The project runs from November 2010 to October 2013.

Famous (ANR project)

Participants : Eric Rutten, Xin An.

The FAMOUS project (FAst Modeling and Design FlOw for Dynamically ReconfigUrable Systems) intends to make reconfigurable hardware systems design easier and faster, by introducing a complete methodology that takes the reconfigurability of the hardware as an essential design concept and proposes the necessary mechanisms to fully exploit those capabilities at runtime. The tool under development in this project is expected to be used by both industrial designers and academic researchers, especially for modern application system specific design such as smart cameras, image and video processing, etc.

The project partners are Inria (Sardes in Grenoble and DaRT in Lille), Université de Bretagne Sud, Université de Bourgogne, Sodius.

The project runs from December 2009 to November 2013.

REVER (ANR project)

Participants : Barbara Petit, Jean-Bernard Stefani.

The REVER project aims to develop semantically well-founded and composable abstractions for dependable distributed computing on the basis of a reversible programming model, where reversibility means the ability to undo any program execution and to revert it to a state consistent with the past execution. The critical assumption behind REVER is that by combining reversibility with notions of compensation and modularity, one can develop systematic and composable abstractions for dependable programming.

The REVER workprogramme is articulated around three major objectives:

  • To investigate the semantics of reversible concurrent processes.

  • To study the combination of reversibility with notions of compensation, isolation and modularity in a concurrent and distributed setting.

  • To investigate how to support these features in a practical (typically, object-oriented and functional) programming language design.

The project partners are Inria (Sardes in Grenoble and Focus in Bologna), Université de Paris VII (PPS laboratory), and CEA (List laboratory).

The project runs from December 2011 to November 2015.

CtrlGreen (ANR project)

Participants : Fabienne Boyer, Noël De Palma, Eric Rutten, Soguy Mak-Kare Gueye.

The goal of the CtrlGreen project is to develop the control techniques and software infrastructure required to build energy-efficient data centers. Because resource management must meet performance, dependability and scalability objectives and as well as service level agreements, energy-efficiency must be considered as a multi-criteria control problem. CtrlGreen aims to develop an autonomic system approach, where multiple control loops may coexist and coordinate. Specifically, the work will proceed along four directions:

  • The study of reactive control techniques including synchronous languages and discrete controller synthesis to program, verify and synthetize coordinating controllers.

  • The development of a controllable platform that can provide system level support for the deployment and integration of the requuired controllers.

  • The study of several green data center scenarios that involve the coordination between several controllers at different levels (hardware, operating system and middleware) and targetting different objectives (performance, availability, energy efficiency, etc).

  • Experiments with an industrial data center to evaluate CtrlGreen techniques in a real world environment, with multiple running applications.

The project partners include Eolas, Inria Rennes, INPT/IRIT Toulouse, LIG (Sardes) and ScalAgent. The project runs from January 2012 to December 2014.